Wednesday, 22 August 2012

We Are Moving!

Hi, many thanks for for reading this blog over the months it has been online. Many thanks to all contributors too. Due to a large layout issue with Blogger, we are moving over to wordpress where this blog will continue, with many more new features too. For now content for Blogged On Service will appear at along with all the other Blogged websites new content that would of been posted on blogger. Then, once our new wordpress templates have been created over on and our new domain setup is completed their will once again be a blog for each of the blogged blogs, and they will even more content and features then before. For now we hope to see you over on
Oh and if you would like a follow up on the stories, that I posted regular on this blog about the quality (or mostly lack of it) of the Job Center Plus and Department of Work and Pensions, I'll be recapping and following them up, along with a dedicated website with jobseekers information, job hunting info and much more at: The sites still in early development, so in construction, but more and more will be added to it. Feedback will be very welcome.
Have a good one,
Ben Stuart


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