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Monday, 25 June 2012

Cold Calling

Get cold called? If it's anything like the landline I use, and to a lesser extent the mobile line, you'll have cold calling and scams most days. I find on the landline often it's more like five plus, a day.
Now cold calling is an intresting one, it's in effect a completely legal practise and can be applied for as a legal job (job seekers may notice cold calling jobs advertised in Job Centre Plus branches, or on the Direct Gov job listings). But, just because something is legal in the eyes of the law, that dosen't make it right, and many people find cold calling an unreasonable and annoying practise. Some have found it a form of harrasment, with companies repeatedly cold calling despite people asking them not to, and often calling all hours of the day. On the other hand, many people have found themselves taking on the role of a cold calling job, after they have not yet managed a job in all the other avenues they've tried previously, and at least some earnings for the job is then made, and their in employment.
You'll have to decide for yourself, if you haven't already, what you think of cold calling. Part of the problem is not just the cold calling itself, but how it's conducted: it's one thing to face cold calling and another to be met with a rude cold caller, who's behaviour can verge on harrasment, as I have sometimes found. I've also spoken to some on the phone who are very polite and understanding when you tell them your not intrested in what their trying to sell you, or you are a bit busy to talk with them at that moment.
So it'll be intresting to see this documentary from BBC's Panorama, which looks at all the  calls companies put out, as well as texts, as part of their marketing, which were not asked for by you. The show is on this coming Monday.
For details on the programme:

Monday, 18 June 2012

Dream On With Nationwide

I'm always facinated by dreams, and earlier on I dreamt that Nationwide had answered my complaints letter, that I sent a few weeks back in real life. In the dream when I recieved the letter I knew that it was from Nationwide, though the funny thing was I don't remember anything the letter actually said, only that Nationwide had sent £17 as a way of apology for their bad service (actual cash in envelop, though I noticed it was all in notes which is impossiable for that amount in real life!)-if I do get a reply from Nationwide any time soon, what's the likelyness it will be like in the dream!

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

EDF-Bad Service, Leaving Electricity In A Dangerous State

EDF-Not Always How They Tell You On The Adverts

Just to let you know about an upcoming post, incase you have any opinions on the posts subject that you'd like to appear on this site. And the subject in question? EDF. I'd like to share with youa story about the gas and electricity giant-about how their bad service left a houses electricity in a dangerous way. I know for a fact that it happend and how it happened as it happend to my house. I'll tell you all about it, including how EDF, years later never admitted to their mistakes, never issued an apology, offering nothing in the way of compensation. Their customer service has absouloutly sucked. Story coming up, and I'd really like to know what you think of EDF, perhaps you have had simmerler or even the same issues with EDF.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Another Job Centre Plus/Department of Work and Pensions Complaints Update

Hi their, I come to you with the next Job Centre Plus related 'customer service' update. Just a little thing on the Romford Job Centre Plus' INABILITY TO RING BACK WHEN THEY SAY THEY WILL.
So I have given them plenty of time to ring back, so today, this Friday in June, I'll try ringing them once again,on the Dreaded Job Centre Plus Phoneline (Dun-dun-dun) This time it's gonna have to be different.  If I keep waiting for them to arrange a date, it might not happen before I'm the same age as Sir David Attenbourough. So I came up with the next nearest day that I could make a meeting to them (I tried giving them plenty of time, that didn't work) which is Monday coming, seeing as they will not be open on Saturday or Sunday. I think they have had enough chances now (they had reached that point months ago, to be fair). I gave them any time after 2:30pm for the meeting, so even after the way they have constantly messed me around, they still have plenty of time slots for the meeting to take place. Then if this Tony guy is not avaliable, OK I'll see someone else-because I can see how this meeting could get delayed more and more by them, and this is really supposed to be a complaints issue- I could of really said back at day one, here I am, here's my complaints, and they could of really sent someone their and then for the meeting. I'm not supposed to be accomadating them, my complaints are with them, it should be the other way. It really does seem like their stratedgy has been to delay this as much as possiable.
So I thought I'd also ask JCP why they did not ring back (yet again, so frustrating, the complaints won't go away if that's what they think by ignoring me, with anything it's just adding to them). So I got ringing the Job Centre Plus and, wait for it...... I Got Through Straight Away! What? What's going on?
OK, calm down Ben. I know it's a miracle, but we have the rest of the post to get through. I tried to find out why no one rang, but the lady I was speaking to didn't give me an answer, in fact each time I mentioned it I was met with silence the other end. I tried mentioning it a couple of times-nothing at all back. So this staff member suggested that she could go and try find out from her collouges about my situation and then she could call me back with answers. Sorry but NO. NO WAY. I repeated again how the Job Centre Plus have not been ringing me back, how I had not been recieving their calls.  I said I'd rather stay on the line and wait for her, not take the risk of not getting phoned back once again. So she agreed to this and off she went, while I waited on the line. She was a few minutes away and then returned with her plan. She said on Monday, Tony would ring me, anytime after 9:30am. He would discuss my issues and then if it seemed appropiot I could still come into the JCP branch to discuss them further. Well I wasn't pleased with the meeting being delayed again. But, if his going to talk on the phone, I could at least get to speak with him, see what he has to say on the matters, without a meeting in a branch been canceled. To cut what is such a long, boring and reppititive story with these staff at JCP and DWP, here's what happend next; no one rang back on Monday, so I rang up JCP romford asked if someone could ring back, and why the person who was supposed to ring back didn't-no explanation (or apoligy) for this, I tried to get someone to ring me back at the next avaliable chance, they agreed to this, I waited untill 4pm, they still hadn't called so I rang them. It was Job Centre Romford Manager Nicole who answered. Who informed me, she was going to ring me back (as if I was going to take thr chance waiting any longer again, with their track record), Nicole told me that Tony was on leave. So staff had arrange me a meeting with a man who was on leave, who I had been waiting to get back to me. Brilliant. Nicole told me where she stands on the matter with the whole complaints procedure, was not budging, I could see we were getting no where. She said I could attend the Romford branch, but she had made clear that this was what her final oppinion on the case was, so we both agreed their was pretty much not any point me coming in. So, I was just going to have to try elsewhere.
The saga continues. By the way you might like to know a new TV comedy about the Job Centre Plus is said to be starting soon Thursdays at 8:00pm, alongside the real one which runs at 9:30am to 5:00pm Monday's to Friday's in many areas.

Saturday, 9 June 2012

More Feedback Instore

If you have been in Argos recently, after you have been served you may of had a member of staff ask to fill in one of those electronic survey thingies. If you haven't, basicaly it's a survey on a touchpad with question about the service you recieved, and you press the applicable buttons. One store they have this at is the Dagneham store, which I visited a few times recently, and as their service was generally good, they got good marks from me on said survey pad. But as I was filling it out, I was thinking this is the kind of thing more retail services should offer too. It's a good way of getting customer feedback, and if customers don't have the time to fill in a long survey by hand on customer service, which shops sometimes ask of us, this is a quicker way to give the feedback. Not only that, if you're fed up with having to give companies your details, which, some companies will use in all manner of annoying ways, you can remain annoymous in these electronic services. If they wanted to be ultra flash, stores could have those touch screen machines on the way out of the store, so customers could have their feedback added then. I really think supermarkets could do with taking Argos' lead for example.